Fundação Ezute – 20 Years

May 24, 2017

A history of success and contributions in projects directed toward the autonomy and development of Brazil

Fundação EZUTE, a private non-profit organization that provides innovative solutions in technology and management for the challenges and problems faced by public organizations in Brazil, celebrates 20 years of operations in March this year.

Founded in 1997, as Fundação ATECH, the organization was designated by the Federal Government to be the integrative institution of the SIVAM/SIPAM (Amazon Surveillance System/System of Protection of the Amazon) project. In the same year, the Foundation was chosen for another major challenge: to be the partner of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) for the absorption of technology in air traffic control systems.

In a short period, Brazil conquered mastery of the whole cycle of knowledge of this solution, ranging from the development to the modernization of complex systems for the control and defense of the Brazilian airspace.

Fundação EZUTE also works with the Army and the Navy in strategic programs like the conception of projects for the surveillance of national borders:  the current SISFRON (Integrated System for Monitoring Borders) and the SisGAAz (The Management System of Amazônia Azul); in complementary management and systems engineering of MAN-SUP (Anti-ship Missile Project) and in the program of absorption of technology of the combat system of submarines of the PROSUB (Submarine Development Program).

However, it is not only in the defense industry that Fundação EZUTE has worked in these two decades. The organization was responsible for the development of the Bilhete Único (Single Ticket), which integrates all means of public transportation in the city of São Paulo, and SIGA Saúde, the largest public health management system in the country, for the capital of São Paulo. Yet more, in the portfolio of the organization there are also projects in the development of simulators for the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Plant, management systems for energy companies and a technological platform for the simulation of complex scenarios.  All these successes accredited EZUTE as a partner organization of the Ministry of Sport in the management of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

“We are an organization of high technology and partner of the government, seeking to develop and accelerate solutions that benefit society as a whole. These are just a few examples of the capabilities of Fundação EZUTE Foundation and how much the organization can contribute to the country’s development, to the improvement of the productive processes and, consequently, to the improvement of the quality of life of the population”, says the president of Fundação EZUTE, Eduardo Marson Ferreira.

As a result, Fundação EZUTE begins a new chapter in search of recognition as a public interest entity in the same configurations as abroad. This performance model has already been consecrated with examples like the Mitre Corporation and RAND Corporation, both operating in the United States.

Both the American entities and Fundação EZUTE have the characteristics of providing innovative solutions to public agencies and entities, impartial and mediating between government, industry and academia to ensure objectivity in the development of projects.

“In these 20 years, we have accumulated differentiated knowledge and human capital. Entering a new phase, Fundação EZUTE initiated an internal process of adaptation of its structure to meet the requirements of good corporate governance, which will give us new perspectives to achieve our main mission of contributing to the country and to society as a whole,” Marson concludes.


1997 – Fundação ATECH was founded: Conceptualization of the Amazon Surveillance System – SIVAM; and the Development of Systems for Air Traffic and Air Defense

1998 – System to speed up the resolution of occurrences in the electrical grid (Eletropaulo)

1999 – Air Traffic Control: modernization of the CINDACTAS (Integrated Center for Air Defense and Air Traffic Control); Expansion of APPs, Control Systems for Approximation; Conceptualization of the CGNA (Center for Management of Air Navigation)

2000 – Technological Modernization of the Federal Police – Pró-Amazônia

2001 – Performance in the space industry with collaboration on the Brazilian Geostationary Satellite (SGB); Multimission Platform for the design of satellite platforms

2002 – Recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology as an ICT (Institution of Science and Technology); search for new opportunities outside the defense industry with dual use of solutions

2003 – Bilhete Único (Single Ticket); Absorption of technology and mapping of the subsoil for the ANP (National Petroleum Agency); SIGA Saúde in the city of São Paulo

2006 – New contracts with FAB due to the air crisis; doubling the productive capacity of the organization

2004 – Planning and Analysis of Electronic Warfare; innovation incubator

2005 – Project P3: absorption of onboard technology for maritime patrol aircraft

2006 – Tactical Combat System of Submarines

2007 – SISFRON

2008 – SIGA Saúde in Diadema; Integrated Management System and Analysis of Programs of the Sports Department of São Paulo; Program of Technological Modernization of the Municipal Chamber of São Paulo; Control System of Chemical Products for the Ministry of Justice

2010 – MAN-SUP; participation in offsets for absorption of technology

2011 – SisGAAz and PROSUB: Management System of Grants for the State of São Paulo

2012 – Management of the 2016 Olympic Games

2013 – Change of name to Fundação EZUTE; Training simulator for the Hydroelectric Power Plant; SABESP Integrated Information Project

2014 – Accreditation as a Strategic Defense Company (EED)

2015 – Support to the Digital Mapping of Tocantins; Draft project of the Combat System of the Nuclear Submarine

2016 – New directions in governance with Eduardo Marson Ferreira assuming the presidency of the Foundation and Tarcísio Takashi Muta dedicating himself as chairman of the Board of Directors; Digital Mapping of the municipal district of São Paulo
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May 24, 2017

A history of success and contributions in projects directed toward the autonomy and development of Brazil

Fundação EZUTE, a private non-profit organization that provides innovative solutions in technology and management for the challenges and problems faced by public organizations in Brazil, celebrates 20 years of operations in March this year.

Founded in 1997, as Fundação ATECH, the organization was designated by the Federal Government to be the integrative institution of the SIVAM/SIPAM (Amazon Surveillance System/System of Protection of the Amazon) project. In the same year, the Foundation was chosen for another major challenge: to be the partner of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) for the absorption of technology in air traffic control systems.

In a short period, Brazil conquered mastery of the whole cycle of knowledge of this solution, ranging from the development to the modernization of complex systems for the control and defense of the Brazilian airspace.

Fundação EZUTE also works with the Army and the Navy in strategic programs like the conception of projects for the surveillance of national borders:  the current SISFRON (Integrated System for Monitoring Borders) and the SisGAAz (The Management System of Amazônia Azul); in complementary management and systems engineering of MAN-SUP (Anti-ship Missile Project) and in the program of absorption of technology of the combat system of submarines of the PROSUB (Submarine Development Program).

However, it is not only in the defense industry that Fundação EZUTE has worked in these two decades. The organization was responsible for the development of the Bilhete Único (Single Ticket), which integrates all means of public transportation in the city of São Paulo, and SIGA Saúde, the largest public health management system in the country, for the capital of São Paulo. Yet more, in the portfolio of the organization there are also projects in the development of simulators for the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Plant, management systems for energy companies and a technological platform for the simulation of complex scenarios.  All these successes accredited EZUTE as a partner organization of the Ministry of Sport in the management of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

“We are an organization of high technology and partner of the government, seeking to develop and accelerate solutions that benefit society as a whole. These are just a few examples of the capabilities of Fundação EZUTE Foundation and how much the organization can contribute to the country’s development, to the improvement of the productive processes and, consequently, to the improvement of the quality of life of the population”, says the president of Fundação EZUTE, Eduardo Marson Ferreira.

As a result, Fundação EZUTE begins a new chapter in search of recognition as a public interest entity in the same configurations as abroad. This performance model has already been consecrated with examples like the Mitre Corporation and RAND Corporation, both operating in the United States.

Both the American entities and Fundação EZUTE have the characteristics of providing innovative solutions to public agencies and entities, impartial and mediating between government, industry and academia to ensure objectivity in the development of projects.

“In these 20 years, we have accumulated differentiated knowledge and human capital. Entering a new phase, Fundação EZUTE initiated an internal process of adaptation of its structure to meet the requirements of good corporate governance, which will give us new perspectives to achieve our main mission of contributing to the country and to society as a whole,” Marson concludes.


1997 – Fundação ATECH was founded: Conceptualization of the Amazon Surveillance System – SIVAM; and the Development of Systems for Air Traffic and Air Defense

1998 – System to speed up the resolution of occurrences in the electrical grid (Eletropaulo)

1999 – Air Traffic Control: modernization of the CINDACTAS (Integrated Center for Air Defense and Air Traffic Control); Expansion of APPs, Control Systems for Approximation; Conceptualization of the CGNA (Center for Management of Air Navigation)

2000 – Technological Modernization of the Federal Police – Pró-Amazônia

2001 – Performance in the space industry with collaboration on the Brazilian Geostationary Satellite (SGB); Multimission Platform for the design of satellite platforms

2002 – Recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology as an ICT (Institution of Science and Technology); search for new opportunities outside the defense industry with dual use of solutions

2003 – Bilhete Único (Single Ticket); Absorption of technology and mapping of the subsoil for the ANP (National Petroleum Agency); SIGA Saúde in the city of São Paulo

2006 – New contracts with FAB due to the air crisis; doubling the productive capacity of the organization

2004 – Planning and Analysis of Electronic Warfare; innovation incubator

2005 – Project P3: absorption of onboard technology for maritime patrol aircraft

2006 – Tactical Combat System of Submarines

2007 – SISFRON

2008 – SIGA Saúde in Diadema; Integrated Management System and Analysis of Programs of the Sports Department of São Paulo; Program of Technological Modernization of the Municipal Chamber of São Paulo; Control System of Chemical Products for the Ministry of Justice

2010 – MAN-SUP; participation in offsets for absorption of technology

2011 – SisGAAz and PROSUB: Management System of Grants for the State of São Paulo

2012 – Management of the 2016 Olympic Games

2013 – Change of name to Fundação EZUTE; Training simulator for the Hydroelectric Power Plant; SABESP Integrated Information Project

2014 – Accreditation as a Strategic Defense Company (EED)

2015 – Support to the Digital Mapping of Tocantins; Draft project of the Combat System of the Nuclear Submarine

2016 – New directions in governance with Eduardo Marson Ferreira assuming the presidency of the Foundation and Tarcísio Takashi Muta dedicating himself as chairman of the Board of Directors; Digital Mapping of the municipal district of São Paulo
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