For 25 years, we have contributed to the development and sovereignty of Brazil. Our trajectory is marked by a unique and differentiated approach within national borders, offering innovative solutions, technology and management for the challenges and problems confronted by public organizations in Brazil. Throughout our history, we have seen more than a hundred projects in all spheres of government and private organizations, both national and international.
We entered operation in 1997 with an extremely important mission for the security and sovereignty of the country – we were designated by the Federal Government to be the integrative institution of the SIVAM/SIPAM (Amazon Surveillance System / System of Protection of the Amazon) project. Even as a young business, we were chosen once again for another great challenge: to be the partner of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) for the absorption of technology in air traffic control systems.
The result? Brazil conquered, and quickly, mastery of the whole cycle of knowledge of this solution, ranging from the development to the modernization of complex systems for the control and defense of Brazilian airspace.
With a highly qualified team and expertise in the area of defense, we excelled in important projects with the Army and the Navy, working on strategic programs like the conception of surveillance projects for national borders: the current SISFRON (Integrated System for Monitoring Borders) and the SisGAAz (Management System of Amazônia Azul); in the complementary management of systems engineering of MAN-SUP (Anti-ship Missile Project); and the program of absorption of technology of the combat system of submarines of the PROSUB (Submarine Development Program).
We were also responsible for the development of the Bilhete Único (Unified transit card), which integrates all means of public transportation in the city of São Paulo, and SIGA Saúde, the largest public health management system in the country, for the capital of São Paulo. We also accumulated experience in projects such as the training simulator for the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Plant, in addition to a technological platform for simulating complex scenarios, and management systems for energy companies. All these successes accredited us as a partner organization of the Ministry of Sport in the management of the Olympic Park works for Rio 2016.
- Foundation of Fundação Atech (the former name of Fundação Ezute)
- Conceptualization of the Amazon Surveillance System – SIVAM
- Development of Systems for Air Traffic and Air Defense
- System for management of occurrences of AES Eletropaulo
- Agenda 21 – Environmental Action Plan of the United Nations/Sustainable Agriculture
- Approximation Control System (APP) of São Pedro da Aldeia (RJ)
Air Traffic: modernization of CINDACTAS (Integrated Center for Air Defense and Air Traffic Control) - Conceptualization of Syncromax software for the CGNA (Center for Management of Air Navigation Services in Brazil)
- Deployment of SIVAM in Manaus (AM)
- Technological modernization of the Federal Police – Pró-Amazônia/Promotec
Brazilian Air Force data integration (FAB)/Navy – war room (crisis room) of the Ministry of Defense
- Quality Certification NBR ISO 9001
- Operation in the space sector with collaboration on the Brazilian Geostationary Satellite (SGB)
- Multimission Platform for the design of satellite platforms
- Recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology as an ICT (Institution of Science and Technology)
- Search for opportunities outside the defense industry with dual use of solutions
- Bilhete Único (Unified transit card) – Electronic Ticketing System (municipality of São Paulo)
- Absorption of technology and mapping of the subsoil for Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP – National Petroleum Agency)
- SIGA Saúde in the city of São Paulo
- Planning and Analysis of Electronic Warfare
- Innovation incubator
- Project P3: absorption of onboard technology for maritime patrol aircraft
- Tactical Combat System of Submarines
- New contracts with FAB due to the air crisis
- Doubling of the productive capacity of the organization
- Conception of a surveillance project for borders – current SISFRON
- SIGA Saúde in Diadema
- Integrated System of Management and Analysis of Programs of the Department of Sports of São Paulo
- Program of technological modernization of the Municipal Chamber of São Paulo
- Control System of Chemical Products for the Ministry of Justice
- Participation in offsets for absorption of technology
- SisGAAz and PROSUB
- Management System of Grants for the State of São Paulo
- Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Ministry of Sport) – Integrated Management, Supporting the Control and Support Agencies in their Decision-Making Process
- Change of name from Fundação Atech to Fundação Ezute
- Training simulator for Hydroelectric Power Plant
- SABESP Integrated Information project
- Accreditation as a Strategic Defense Company (EED)
- Support for the Digital Mapping of the State of Tocantins
- Preliminary Project of the Combat System of the Nuclear Submarine
- Eduardo Marson Ferreira takes over presidency and Tarcisio Takashi Muta, who had been president of the Fundação Ezute since its foundations, becomes chair of the Board of Directors
- Digital Mapping of the municipal district of São Paulo
- Signature of an Addendum to the contract signed in 2011 with the DCNS (Naval Group), contemplating a new stage of training for the Ezute Foundation team, held in France, as part of the knowledge and technology transfer program of the Brazilian Submarine Combat System (S-BR), within the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB).
- Signature of contract with the Secretaria de Estado do Planejamento e Coordenação Geral of Paraná for the development and implementation of the new Information System for Environmental Management and Water Resources of the state (SIGARH).
- Term of Technical-Scientific Cooperation with the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio): joint action in research, development and innovation programs and projects, in the exchange of technical and scientific information, in training programs for personnel and conducting courses and conferences.