The public-private partnerships (PPPs) allow the proper division of contractual risks between the public and private initiative and encourages innovation, efficiency, and the use of assets tied to the project and the management geared to the satisfaction of the users.
Fundação Ezute supports the public administration at various stages of the life cycle of developments of Concession and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs):
Regulatory Mark
Structuring of Public Guarantees
Technical Design / Feasibility Study
Modeling or support to the PMI (Procedure for Expression of Interest)
Public hearing, public consultation and bidding process
Independent Verifier (Honest Broker)
It operates across the spectrum of PPPs in Brazil for FEDERAL, STATE AND MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENTS AND PUBLIC CONSORTIA.
Expected Results
⇒ Improving the dialog between the public agency – private initiative.
⇒ Allocation of efforts and resources on the priorities of the public agency
⇒ Realistic modeling of the development projects
⇒ Agility, transparency and suitability to the demands of the regulation agencies during all stages of the bidding process
⇒ Legacy of public management and good assessment by the population